"As writers we have a responsibility, sometimes, to make the future seem real.” John Ironmonger
Posts tagged "Sarah Perry"
Dark mysteries on Gothic shores

Dark mysteries on Gothic shores

I grew up on the island of Guernsey, in a house perched high on a cliff, and much as I’ve always loved the sea, I know to be afraid of it. I’ve watched how quickly a calm, clear morning can be swallowed by a storm, how a rogue wave or rip tide will catch you...
Tumult and majesty

Tumult and majesty

Looking back on an eye-opening year in literature and politics, I winnow down my favourite books of 2016 and pick out some of the spring 2017 titles that have so far caught my eye. It’s a captivating mix of reliable favourites, new voices, and authors striking out on a new path.   MY 2016 TOP...
Lightning strikes

Lightning strikes

I don’t remember a time when I was not spinning tales of one kind or another. In long arduous sermons I’d cover my notebook in handwriting so cramped I never knew later who or what I’d conjured up; and lying in my bunk bed with my sister restless above me I’d be commanded to tell...